Tuesday, May 28, 2013

More Exciting News!

Hellooooo everyone!
                My studio consensus is in….and I was placed in an acting studio! I don’t know if I’m allowed to say which one specifically (so I won’t), but all that you guys need to know is that it’s not musical theater, as I had originally intended. Before you start feeling bad for me, let me just say this much: I’m not disappointed! You may be a little surprised, but trust me, I have plenty of justifications of why I’m still just as excited.
                First, Tisch is one of the best drama schools, so getting in at all is a big enough accomplishment. Second of all, I always thought that my acting was good, but not fantastic or anything too special. But the fact that I could sing and dance, and in addition was an average actor, made me think that musical theater was the only place for me. The idea that someone saw potential in me just from two, one-minute long monologues makes me feel like a completely different person. Yes, this changes my plan a little bit, but maybe that’s what I needed: a game-changing, completely unexpected opportunity. Although I am a little worried that I’ll be losing the “musical theater” part of myself (which is most of me), I also know that so many new doors that I thought were closed for me are now open.
                Now, one thing I would like to clear up is what exactly Tisch is, and what it actually means that I got into an “acting studio.” Okay, so Tisch is a conservatory-like drama school that is a part of New York University in New York City, also called Manhattan, for those of you who are completely lost;) You do have to get accepted to the university academically in addition to getting chosen in the audition process, just as a heads up to some of you hopefuls out there! There are eight studios within Tisch: one for the technical and production aspect of things, one for musical theater and the rest for different types or methods of acting. I can give more details about actual classes and workload and stuff once I get there (since I really don’t know about that yet at all), but for now, that’s the basic plot of my future college experience. If you’re looking into Tisch as a possibility, or NYU at all for that matter, it is pretty expensive—which is yet another hurdle in my life at the moment. I just wanted to warn you so none of you would get sticker shock when doing your research.
                Now that you know what Tisch is, my story seems a lot more exciting, right? Yay for being in the loop!:) My final reason for not being disappointed with an acting studio (yes, we’re back to that), is that I went through not one (like most students), but two emotionally stressful rounds of college auditions at five schools in different states each time. During all of this, I got rejected by all of them until my very last audition this year. I’m not very pretty, I’m not “hot” or “sexy” in any way, I’m strangely shaped and an odd height and yet, this school thinks I have the promise to be a real, professional actress. Not that your looks define your talent, they just really help you in the acting business, unfortunately. This opportunity means the world to me because I thought that I didn't have the talent, but now I can say that the other schools simply didn't see it. Please comment with any questions, feedback, or suggestions! Love you guys!

                                                          Peace and love, 

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