Sunday, June 16, 2013


Hey everyone!

                I know it’s been a while, but this is just a quick little update to hear if any of you lovely readers are going through anything similar to what I am. So, technically, being home (still), I have been doing nothing. BUT, I've actually been doing quite a lot! That’s not sarcasm. (I know, hard to tell on the computer. Haha). Anyway, I've been applying to jobs online, which completely sucks. Also, I've been setting tons of personal goals. Stay with me, I promise it’s less lame than it sounds. I've been trying to eat right and get in shape—that’s been my main focus and it’s so much easier when you have plenty of time to focus on it. Also, I've been choreographing the songs I’m going to teach my little kids at theater camp in a few weeks. Oh, and I decided to learn piano, so I bought a lesson book and am using my mom’s old keyboard every day. I’m also reading “East of Eden” by John Steinbeck every night before I go to sleep, seeing as I always wanted to and never had time. Finally, I’m trying to keep my house, specifically my room, clean and organized. This one is a complete work in progress, but I’m proud of myself nonetheless! If anybody else can relate, I would certainly love to hear about it!

Peace and love,

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