Friday, June 28, 2013

Personal Update

Hey guys,
I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a long time. I’m going through kind of a rough time. This isn’t a post I planned or anything, so I’m just going to openly tell you what’s going on. My boyfriend of 2 years and I broke up last week. It was pretty mutual, but that surprisingly didn’t make it any less painful. I was extremely hurt by things that he said to me during this break up, even though I know it wasn’t necessarily intended. Anyway, I’ll be getting back to writing soon so leave me some comments about what you want me to talk about. 
Thanks guys,

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

More Like "Abercrombie and Bitch!"

Hello all,
                I have a whole list of things that I’ve been wanting to write about and just have not gotten around to it, so just bear with me, because a few of my topics are going to backtrack a little bit…like this one! This is a very sensitive topic, so I would value anything any of you beautiful people have to say about it.
                One topic in the media that actually got a genuinely real reaction from me was the whole “Abercrombie and Fitch” situation. You know, the one in which the president of the company (or something like that) essentially said that he didn’t want larger people wearing their clothes because he doesn’t want “those types of people” representing their brand? I have only one thing to say to this….are you freaking joking??? Talk about isolating clientele!
                First of all, this is really concerning to me because in today’s society, young teenagers don’t need to be pressured about their bodies any more than they already are by the media. And who are basically the only people you know that buy and wear Abercrombie and Fitch clothing? Middle and high schoolers. It just so happens that this is also when body image issues arise and are the most intense! Trying to shop at a store so you can fit in at school and then being told that they don’t have your size because they don’t want larger people representing their brand would be absolutely devastating to a 13 or 14 year old. In addition, they only sell XL sizes in men’s shirts (for more muscular men), but they don’t carry any at all for women. One word: sexist. And we all know how small those clothes run. If anything, they’re just cutting down the number of customers that could purchase their clothing. How much sense does that make?
                Let’s also keep in mind that all of this bullcrap is on top of them only hiring the equivalent of super models to work in their stores. Trust me, I get it. Your looks are almost always a part of your job, or at least to a certain point. I don’t know about you, but the only thing that it does for me is make me feel like shit whenever I go in there! And not in a “I want to buy your clothes so I can look more like her” kind of way. I know they’re not the only store that does this, but it’s why I choose not to even go into Hollister or Gilly Hicks either.

                My main question is: Since when can a store tell us, paying customers, whether or not we can wear their clothing based on our body type? What does it say about our country that, knowing this, people still shop there and their stores are thriving? It saddens me that a store’s “image” can dictate which customers are good enough to purchase their products. Please let me know of your opinions about this. Being a somewhat larger girl all my life, I know I feel personally offended by this on so many levels. Anyway, feel free to talk to me!

Sunday, June 16, 2013


Hey everyone!

                I know it’s been a while, but this is just a quick little update to hear if any of you lovely readers are going through anything similar to what I am. So, technically, being home (still), I have been doing nothing. BUT, I've actually been doing quite a lot! That’s not sarcasm. (I know, hard to tell on the computer. Haha). Anyway, I've been applying to jobs online, which completely sucks. Also, I've been setting tons of personal goals. Stay with me, I promise it’s less lame than it sounds. I've been trying to eat right and get in shape—that’s been my main focus and it’s so much easier when you have plenty of time to focus on it. Also, I've been choreographing the songs I’m going to teach my little kids at theater camp in a few weeks. Oh, and I decided to learn piano, so I bought a lesson book and am using my mom’s old keyboard every day. I’m also reading “East of Eden” by John Steinbeck every night before I go to sleep, seeing as I always wanted to and never had time. Finally, I’m trying to keep my house, specifically my room, clean and organized. This one is a complete work in progress, but I’m proud of myself nonetheless! If anybody else can relate, I would certainly love to hear about it!

Peace and love,